oh hey what's up guys
How was everyone's weekend? Good, I hope. Let's do a recap, shall we?
Urine Trouble (kickball)
[no picture available]
We faced our first match of our newly formed team (which combined half the people from last season, and half new people), and of course we faced one of the best teams. They were strong on both offense and defense, so we lost 4-10. Our base hitting is pretty weak, which will probably be common amongst both sports all season.
We Got The Runs (softball)
All of us (I believe) are first-timers in softball in the Austin SSC leagues, and it showed. We definitely had some growing pains trying to figure out where everyone was. We clicked on defense after the second inning, but our base hitting was even worse than in kickball. We only got people on base maybe 5 times during the whole game. We really need to work on that.
As for my weekend, it was fairly decent although Taylor was busy with her sister for the entirety of it. I used that opportunity to get some more Final Fantasy 13 out of my system, so that she doesn't have to bare through me playing it while she's here.
On Friday, I was feeling pretty lame, and carried out my lame agenda of staying in and relaxing by myself. Andy invited me to the lake house (mostly jokingly, though, given the certain individual who was there), and Justin invited me to the Hideout with some work buddies. I declined both offers and instead stayed in and played FF13, as mentioned earlier. Even more lamely, I got ready for bed at around 11:30pm and went to bed early.
Next morning, I woke up nice and refreshed at around 9-9:15am, and then had breakfast. More lounging around today, but I was determined to be a little more active at night. Justin and I started jamming at around maybe 7:30 or 8, and it carried through for a few hours. Andy joined us about halfway through, and we literally just started making shit up, and rotating through the different instruments. Believe it or not, I found it easiest to jam and make stuff up on the drums, which is not my native instrument (I play bass and everyone who reads this should know that). I'm decent at bass, but I still have not taken the time to get to know my fretboard and learn the individual notes so that I have them memorized. Instead I have to just start playing stuff, and listen and catch the wrong notes I'm playing and correct in the future. With drums, all you have to do is hit the drums - no worrying about wrong notes. I believe we got almost every combination of me, Andy, and Justin playing drums, bass, and guitar. It was a lot of fun. We ended the night at Whataburger because we were all hungry.
Sunday already? Damn. Sunday was both Father's Day and my mom's birthday. I woke up and relaxed for a bit, then showered and got ready to go to my mom's. It was another opportunity to ride my bike, so I took it. Enjoyed some family time with my mom, grandma, and my aunt, and some yummy persian food. I left earlier than usual, though, because I had more stuff I needed to take care of that day. I came back and attempted to mow both yards, but only made it through the front yard before giving up (mow and edge). Despite keeping myself hydrated, I really thought I was going to suffer from heat exhaustion if I kept going and did the backyard. So that is indefinitely postponed, probably until the next weekend because I'm unusually busy this coming week. After that, I showered yet again, and cleaned up my room a little bit. I took off to get a haircut, and got two more shampoos while I was there (once before, and again after). That has got to be a personal record: four shampoos in one day? Came back and later than night discussed some important house things.
...and so the new week begins. Monday is my "relax" day. Tuesday is a Tool concert, Wednesday is kickball, and Thursday is softball. Friday is date night with Taylor. Oh, I get my iPhone on Thursday, I think. Hopefully the week goes by fast, but it seems like it should be a good week. You know what would top this off as a great week? If I finally hear back about my promotion, which has been lingering in some level of upper management for I believe about 3 months now.
I'm listening to more various artists lately, mostly to get myself prepared for ACL. I'm going to periodically suggested an artist/song/album (not necessarily an ACL artist, though), and today I'm going to start off with Miike Snow. Here are two songs that I like:
Interested in seeing what the Gulf looks like 62 days later? Check out the Big Picture for today.